all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 2SA 14 6 53.404533 -2.977301
L1 2SF 5 4 53.403853 -2.976804
L1 2SJ 28 12 53.403033 -2.976034
L1 2SP 1 1 53.402434 -2.975523
L1 2SR 2 1 53.404399 -2.977103
L1 2ST 31 0 53.403445 -2.976148
L1 2SX 15 5 53.402791 -2.973742
L1 2TE 17 4 53.402776 -2.97332
L1 2TQ 24 6 53.402451 -2.973418
L1 2TR 25 13 53.4022 -2.97445
L1 2TZ 1 1 53.402984 -2.97322
L1 2UA 1 1 53.403182 -2.973164
L1 2SS 0 53.404031 -2.975936
L1 2SU 90 1 53.402915 -2.974872